37 Bruce Street
Kitchener, ON N2B 1Y4

Mon – Sat : 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sun : Closed



Why should I spay my dog or cat?

There are numerous advantages to having your dog or cat spayed. Firstly, spaying eliminates the inconveniences associated with a dog in heat, as without spaying, female pets will experience bleeding and attract unneutered males to your residence. Additionally, veterinarians in Kitchener highlight that spaying reduces, the risk of diseases such as breast cancer and pyometra, a potentially fatal uterine infection commonly affecting unspayed females


Pyrometra cases

What is Pyrometra?

Pyometra is a condition characterized by an infected and pus-filled uterus. Toxins and bacteria permeate through the uterine walls, entering the bloodstream and triggering severe toxic effects. Eventually, the uterus deteriorates, discharging significant quantities of pus and deceased tissue into the abdominal cavity. Untreated, this condition inevitably leads to death.

When should you get your cat or dog spayed?


It is advised to spay puppies or dogs ideally before their first heat cycle. Spaying before the initial heat cycle significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer later in life. However, even adult dogs can benefit from spaying to avoid conditions like pyometra and other uterine diseases. If your dog has already experienced her first heat, it’s recommended to wait 3-4 weeks before proceeding with spaying. For nursing mothers, it’s necessary to wean their offspring and cease lactation for six weeks prior to spaying.

Small Dog Breeds

A dog is categorized as a small breed if their optimal adult weight is below 22 pounds. Due to the absence of similar orthopedic concerns found in larger breeds, it is advised that females of small breeds undergo spaying before their initial heat cycle, typically around 5 to 6 months of age.

Large Dog Breeds

A dog is categorized as a large breed if their ideal adult weight exceeds 45 pounds, while giant breeds are those weighing 75 pounds or more.

For dogs projected to reach over 45 pounds in adulthood, it is advisable to wait until their growth has ceased before considering neutering, typically occurring between 9 and 15 months of age.

In the case of females, the decision regarding spaying depends on various factors, including the dog’s disease susceptibility and the lifestyle of both the owner and the dog. Following a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages with your veterinarian, you may collectively adjust the recommended timeframe to occur between 5 and 15 months of age.


We advise spaying kittens and cats at around five and a half months of age, ideally before their first heat cycle. While it’s possible to spay cats even when they are in heat, spaying prior to their initial heat cycle significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

For nursing mothers, it’s essential to wean their offspring and stop lactating for two weeks before scheduling the spaying procedure. It’s important to note that cats can enter heat and become pregnant even while nursing.

Female cats

Although the typical recommendation from veterinarians is to spay a cat between six and seven months old, it’s important to note that intact, fully grown cats can still undergo spaying safely. Cats can be spayed at any stage of life, including late into their teenage years. However, before proceeding with the surgery, your veterinarian may suggest evaluating their bloodwork and conducting an ECG to ensure they are healthy enough to handle anesthesia.

Spaying an adult cat not only can be performed without risk but also offers benefits in reducing the likelihood of developing specific cancers and uterine infections.


Benefits of spaying a cat

Spaying your cat offers numerous benefits, including:

  1. Population control
  2. Decreased risk of cancer
  3. Lowered risk of reproductive diseases
  4. Elimination of heat cycles
  5. Behavioral improvements


Why should I neuter my dog or cat?

Neutering your dog or cat offers several advantages. In dogs, neutering helps decrease undesirable behaviors like roaming, while in cats, it eliminates issues such as indoor urine marking and wandering.

Additionally, veterinarians in Kitchener highlight that , neutering reduces the health risks associated with conditions like prostatitis and certain tumors. Veterinary clinics in Kitchener emphasize that , it aligns with responsible ownership practices, addressing the significant issue of millions of unwanted dogs and cats ending up in shelters annually, where many stray animals face euthanasia.

When should you get your cat or dog neutered?

Small Dog Breeds

The optimal timing for neutering your dog varies based on factors like breed and general health. Typically, small breed dogs are neutered around six months of age on average.

Large Dog Breeds

Typically, large dogs will weigh between 59 and 99 pounds. Larger dog breeds have a higher susceptibility to cancer or joint problems following neutering, and this risk increases with the size of the dog. For large breed dogs, it is advisable to wait longer before considering neutering. Opting for neutering between 18 months to 2 years of age is likely a prudent approach.

Male cats

Neutering your male cat before he reaches ten months of age significantly reduces the likelihood of him starting to spray and urinate inappropriately. Cleaning up cat urine is challenging, and even after neutering, this behavior can persist as a difficult habit to break.

Benefits of Neutering A Cat

In essence, neutered cats lead safer lives, encounter fewer health issues, and avoid producing unwanted kittens. Undesirable behaviors such as spraying, nervousness, roaming, demanding behavior, and vocalization are diminished or eradicated, even in adult cats.

Fasting Instructions Prior to Surgery

No food after 10pm the night before surgery

Pre-surgical fasting aids in averting complications such as nausea, vomiting, and aspiration, where inhaling stomach contents can result in a severe lung infection.

No water after 7am the day of surgery

After 7am on the day of the surgery, refrain from providing fluids to your pet, as they will be connected to intravenous (IV) fluids. This precaution aims to minimize the likelihood of urine accidents occurring.

Drop-off times

We advise pet owners to drop off their pets between 8:30 and 9 a.m. This timeframe enables the doctors to adequately prepare them for surgery.