37 Bruce Street
Kitchener, ON N2B 1Y4

Mon – Sat : 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sun : Closed


What Is a Spay?

Everyone knows they should have their females dogs and cats spayed, but what exactly does that mean? The word “spay” is thought to originate from the Old French espeer meaning to cut with a sword, which then may have been changed to the Middle English...

What is an Emergency?

We all become worried when our beloved pets become ill, but when should we take them to an emergency hospital? Most larger communities have an ER for pets, but when do we need to utilize one? What symptoms are serious and need immediate attention, and what can wait...
Lameness in Horses

Lameness in Horses

Horse lameness is a condition that occurs when a horse is unable to move normally. While the majority of horse lameness is related to the foot, this condition may be caused by problems in a horse’s bones, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments. Repetitive injuries,...
How to Prevent Motion Sickness in Pets

How to Prevent Motion Sickness in Pets

You’ve just started your car trip with your dog or cat when you hear a particularly disturbing sound, followed by an unmistakable odor. Motion sickness doesn’t just affect humans, but can also be a problem for our animal companions. Although the easy...
Acupuncture as Pain Management for Pets

Acupuncture as Pain Management for Pets

If your pet is suffering from pain or another illness but not responding to traditional veterinary care, veterinary acupuncture may be an effective treatment option. Veterinary acupuncture is very similar to the type of acupuncture used to treat humans. Long, thin...