37 Bruce Street
Kitchener, ON N2B 1Y4

Mon – Sat : 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sun : Closed

Adopting a Pet Is Just the Beginning

Adopting a Pet Is Just the Beginning

Adopting a pet brings great joy and excitement to individuals and families, but it also introduces new responsibilities and concerns. Your new family member deserves the same health and safety considerations you would want for the people in your life. Pet Proofing...
De-Skunking Your Dog

De-Skunking Your Dog

De-Skunking Your Dog Has your dog ever been sprayed by a skunk? Has he ever brought the stinky smell into your house? If so, you probably know just how difficult it is to remove that bad smell from your pet’s coat. As the weather warms up, your dog is undoubtedly...
Creating A Pet Friend

Creating A Pet Friend

Yards can be a shopping center or candy store for pets. Pets often find materials that will harm them. Sometimes objects are forgotten by good intentioned owners. Other times, pets make their own mischief. It is important to ensure that your yard is secure, well...
Internet Reunites Lost Pets and Owners

Internet Reunites Lost Pets and Owners

Everyone loves the amazing stories of dogs and cats who travel long distances to find their way back home or even locate their owners in a new city. Unfortunately, these happy tales are the rare exception to the rule. For every pet that makes it back after leaving,...
Dogs Going Green

Dogs Going Green

Everyone seems to be environmentally conscious on some level, whether it is by recycling or driving more fuel-efficient cars or using less water; most everyone is doing their part to be eco-friendly. It should then be no surprise that this greener way of living has...