by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library
The Different Types of Ataxia in Dogs Poor balance, falling, or a change in the way your dog walks could be caused by a condition called ataxia. Although any dog can develop ataxia, some breeds are at higher risk. What Are the Symptoms of Ataxia? Symptoms vary...
by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library, Uncategorized
Do you know what to expect if a kitten will soon be joining your family? Just like human babies, kittens pass through several distinct developmental stages. Birth to 2 Weeks Kittens can’t see or hear when they’re born but will develop those important...
by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library, Uncategorized
Core Vaccines for Your Cat and Dog Vaccinations protect your cat or dog from illnesses that could cause serious health complications or even death. Vaccines boost your pet’s immune system, preventing illness or making symptoms much less severe. Vaccines Your Dog...
by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library, Uncategorized
Pet Summer Safety Tips As the temperature rises, injuries tend to increase for both people and pets. Following our list of dos and don’t will help you and your pet enjoy a happy, injury-free summer. Don’t Leave Your Pet in a Parked Car In the time it takes...
by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library, Uncategorized
Identifying and Treating Abscesses in Pets Abscesses are caused by bacterial infections that can make your pet very sick. Unfortunately, unlike people, pets don’t usually complain when they’re hurt or don’t feel well. In fact, you may not be aware...
by animaldogs | Oct 31, 2023 | Newsletter Library, Uncategorized
Common Health Issues to Look for in Large Dog Breeds Your dog’s size could increase its risk of developing certain diseases and conditions. These conditions are among the most common in large breeds. Entropion Do your dog’s eyelids turn under? Entropion, a...